Database Applications stand in a class of their own and are highly differentiated from a typical Website or Web Application. A Database Application is often vey backend development intensive with many behind the scenes processes occurring at once. Typically these are required for sites seeking to implement user accounts or larger scale data management and processing or analytics such as in startups.
View GalleryA good user interface is vital for a database applications value to shine, ease of access to the data and other functionalities is afforded by a good user interface design;
A good well thought out database implementation forms the backbone of a good database application, use of optimal technologies and design strategy massively improves functionality and decreases costs;
A database application includes any of the backend logical or algorithmic processes necessary for the applications full implementation, efficient implementations of these are crucial;
Database applications typically require access by multiple different users, each of whom need different levels of access, a well designed and implemented account system provides this;
Functionality and features necessary vary hugely between database applications, as such custom implementations are often extremely important for a good database application;